Don Fishback has retired… okay, semi-retired. He’s handed over the day-to-day operations of his business to his trusted and very capable employee Bryan Strain. Read on for the latest information on what comes next.

After 31 years, ODDS Online, which I first programmed in Access shortly after Microsoft launched Windows and where I packed stacks of 3.5 inch floppies into FedEx boxes from my kitchen table, and then as a single DVD that fit into a FedEx envelope, then as a Java program that worked in a web browser, and most recently as a Node.JS application that works on pretty much any platform, ODDS Online is undergoing another major revision. In fact, the changes are so dramatic, “Online” is disappearing from the name. Instead, it will reflect our latest, most innovative analytics into a simple collection of apps.
ODDS will still be there. But it’s going to be even better, with a leap forward in analytics that will help support options trader’s decision-making. In the not-too-distant future, I’ll have more information about the next iteration of ODDS. So keep checking this website, because 2025 is going to be great.

If guidance is what you’re after… if you want the best options education money can buy at a reasonable price… if you’re looking for someone who can take Don Fishback’s methods and turn them into actionable trades, you’re going to love
After working side-by-side for nearly three decades, Bryan Strain and his team will assist you every step of the way in your options trading journey.
Over the next several days, we’ll be posting more information right here so you can take advantage of Don’s legacy of outstanding service and support, along with options trade ideas that produced triple digit returns.